About Us
Omega Concrete was set up with the aim to offer customers unrivalled customer satisfaction in the ready mixed concrete space.
It is also one of the first empowered state of the art RMC business in the Western Cape that has built a brand with a team geared towards service excellence.
Our Location
Omega Concrete first plant is situated in Woodstock which is in close proximity to the city . The second plant has been set up in Fisantekraal. This plant is located to service new markets and growth nodes and both plants act as backup for each other when servicing larger contracts.
Omega Concrete has partnered with industry experts to design and produce quality readymix concrete to the construction industry. Our range of products conforms to SABS 1200G combined with the highest degree of quality in respect to raw materials and performance.
Our products include but are not limited to the following:
– Standard concrete from 10MPa to 40MPa
– High strength concrete from 40MPa to 60MPa
– Pumpable concrete from 20MPa to 60MPa
– Warehouse industrial floor concrete
– Fibre reinforced concrete
– Colour Concrete
– Exposed Aggregate Concrete
– Concrete for fast placement ie EASY PLACE from 15MPa to 30MPa
– Polished Concrete
– Waterproof Concrete
– Industry favored Readymix Plaster and retarded Mortars
Omega Concrete technical team continuously liaises with industry professionals to meet concrete specifications.
The technical team welcomes discussions concerning mix design and performance expectations and offer on-site technical advise.
ready-mix concrete
Our Values
We see the value in building a brand in the South Africa RMC Industry. While we recognize that brands are built up over time, we are aware that building a brand is about being competitive and delivering on all your value propositions.
“To trade in the RMC space, it is all about selling time by saving our customers valuable time on sites by delivering consistent quality ready mix concrete on time.”
Get In Touch
No 15 , Cnr 15th Avenua & Dapper Street
Kensington, Cape Town, 7405
Orders: orders@omegaconcrete.co.za
Admin: sales@omegaconcrete.co.za
Sales: Abbas@omegaconcrete.co.za